Welcome to our Website. We hope you see something here that will brighten your day and ignite your curiosity to find out more about us and if you are a supporter then we hope to give insight to who you are as a supporter! We were established to offer Psychological support to the Women who are wives of our Leaders.
We believe that the vision for the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. was given to our establishmentarian, Bishop Robert C. Lawson and that the responsibility of our current leaders and those who shall follow them are as follows:
A. to perpetuate the vision that our founding Apostle perceived by transmitting it for generation in written and oral form;
B. To move with all haste toward the realization of every known aspect of that vision;
C. To redeem and restore any and all portions of that vision which have been temporarily lost, or which have since death, fallen in to a state of disrepair; and
D. In the name of, and under the direction of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to add to that vision
We believe that as wives of Ministers’ and Deacons’ of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc, ( hereinafter referred to as “ The Guild”) it is our responsibility to see to it that the God-given vision neither dies from neglect, is distorted, nor grows dim in our remembrance or in the remembrance of our children.
We, the International Ministers’ and Deacons’ Wives of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc; conscious of our heritage and mindful of our responsibility firstly to God, to our husbands ad their varying ministries, to our families, to Christ’s Church and to our generations yet unborn; herewith prayerfully set forth and establish this Constitution of the International Ministers and Deacons Wives’ Guild and amendments thereto, according to the powers and authority granted us by the legislative body of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith , Inc.